NV H. REPKO 9 - metres apart kicking to each other. Kick first time placing the ball over the other pair. Use each foot and remember that distance not height is the main object. When running in the direction of home goal, and while on the half turn practice kicking strongly up the field. Give close attention to the placing of free kicks. Half Backs A great amount of practice in trapping, passing and heading the ball is necessar\. During training play beh nd two forwards on the run in order to acquire speed and accuracy in passing. Attention should be paid to throws in and the taking of free kicks. The latter is very important for half backs.. Forwards. Practice dribbling, keeping the ball within 2 metres yet going at top speed. Play {in pairs and become expert in passing the "ball it should be so placed that the receiver has not to pause in his run. Shooting is most important and needs constant practice. Take the ball as it comes control with one foot and shoot with the other. Practice first time shots at goal. When shooting keep the knee well forward in order to keep the ball low. Become expert with each foot time is lost in changing position to the other foot. Outside forwards must be able to centre a ball right into goal area from the touch line while running and this needs much practice. Aim for correct height and length of centre as mentioned in these articles. Practice taking corner kiclk many goals are obtained from these when well placed. The Inside Forwards should pay special attention to heading the ball into goal for good judgement is required in doing this. Running. Speed is of great importance. Practice running a little each training evening. A good plan is for five or six players to start off together at easy speed. On a given signal race at top speed to a point (40 to 60 metres) indicated. Vary the distance. To be able to get up top speed quickly is of great benefit in playing football. Run round the playing pitch once or twice to finish up. Spiked running shoees should be used in running practice if possible. The last twenty minutes or so of training can be occupied by a game between two elevens. Players should be just as keen in prac tice as in matches, or time will be wasted and little progress made. J. Reynolds. BENUT DEN TIJD. Niemand zal je tegenspreken, Ieder is er mee accoord, Als die stelling wordt verdedigd, Vraagt er niemand om het word. Ieder merkt het aan z'n eigen, Niemand weet er tegen raad, Elkeen kan het constateeren Dat de tijd zoo snel vergaat. 'k Weet het als de dag van gister, 'k Zag voor 't eerst het levenslicht, 'k Hoor het nog de baker zeggen Wat 'n geniaal gezicht! -k Werd gezoend en werd geknuffeld, In m'n weigje neergevleid, Nou heb 'k slechts nog de herinn'nng, En voorbij: ces jours de fête. Had je 'n afspraak ('tkan gebeuren, Als je twintig lentes telt) En je had je van die uren, STOOMWASSCHERIJ „HOLLANDIA" ZANDVOORT J. H. G. WEEN1NK - TELEFOON 287 Prima helder Waschgoed, in zuiver duinwater I gewasschen zonder schadelijke bestanddeelen Gesteven, Gemangeld en Gevouwen 30 CENT PER KILO I Opgemaakte wasschen volgens Prijscourant j Eigen autotransport dagelijks op Amsterdam j Maandag halen Vrijdag thuis Kijkt naar Uw Hoed, leder ander doet het. R EG U LI ER SB REESTRAAT 24 in Borsalino- en Wardhoeden A.F.C.-ers, begunstigt onze adverteerders!

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1927 | | pagina 9