I Ijzerwaren en Gereedschappen w OPGELET I J. L. H. SMITS Co. COMPETITIE-INDEELING. Het nieuwe seizoen, het voor ons zoo buitengewoon belangrijke seizoen 1927-'28 'staat voor de deur. Zondag, bij wijze van proloog, de A.R.O.L.-beker. En dan: de competitie! Een massa jonge leden, ernstige training onder leiding van den uiterst bekwamen Reynolds, een flinke geest, vóórdat (de deelnemers aan de Olympiade met vlie gende vaandels en slaande trommels hun entrée in het nieuwe Stadion maken, moet A. F. C. eerste klas zijn! De reserves krijgen het zwaar te verant woorden: het tweede tegen Ajax II, Blauw Wit II e.t.q., het derde in bijna dezelfde afdeeling, waar het tweede verleden jaar tmet slechts geringen voorsprong kampioen werd. Good luck, lui, en sterkte! Thans de indeeling: Het eerste elftal speelt in Afdeeling I |2e klasse B tegen de volgende clubs: H.V.C., Velox, Donar, B.F.C., V.V.A.^ Haarlem, Bloemendaal, Zandvoort en Zee- burgia. Het tweede elftal speelt in afdeeling J Reserve le klasse tegen: Spartaan II, R.C.H. II, Blauw Wit II, Hilversum II, Ajax II, Z.F.C. II, E.D.O. II, D.E.C. II en H.F.C. II. Het derde elftal speelt in afdeeling I Reserve 2e klasse A tegen: Haarlem II, Hollandia II, Alcm. Victrix II, Stormvogels II, Ajax III, V.V.A. II en Watergraafsmeer II. TRAINING. In order to excel at football a system of training is absolutely essential; yet it is the very thing that the majority of players ignore. Just imagine trying to become a great musician artist or singer without much practice and concentration of thought and energy whilst practising. The higher thje class of football the player aspires to be the more attention must be given to training In short the reasons for training are ;as follows: a. To acquire enough speed and ability in order to be able to produce the best efforts during thee whole game. To play on heavy grounds excellent condition is necessary. b. An untrained player, be he ever so clever, is of little use in a hard game. c. A player is better able to under stand hard knocks, when his muscles are in fine condition. d. A well trained player has greater confidence in his ability to give of his best. e. By training a player can plav for years after other players have found the game too streenious. f. Training leads to the living of a healthy and vigorous life and drives middle age into the back ground. My advice to a player is to select a position in the team and become an expert in that position. Very few players can hope to be really good in more than one po sition. Practice for various Positions. Goalkeeper. Practice kicking from spot to over half way line and also out of the hands. Get into the habit of clearing the ball as quickly as possible at all times. Get a few forwards shooting from out side penalty area. Picking up, throwing and fisting away of the ball should be constantly practised. Full Backs. Have two pairs of players 60 or '70 i Warmoesstraat 42, Amsterdam OP ELK GEBIED Bestelt uw KOPER, METAAL ALUMINIUM en GIETWERKEN „DE NIJVERHEID" TelGfeterijres - BEVER WIJ K - Tel. 2228 A.F.C.-ers, begunstigt onze adverteerders! BIJ

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1927 | | pagina 8