Cröydon Common. Als trainer was hij werk zaam in Spanje en vorig seizoen bij de Ra cing Club de Roubaix. Wij behoeven er wel nauwelijks op te wijzen, dat wij thans op de medewerking van alle spelers rekenen. De gelegenheid om serieus te trainen komt er nu. Eventueele trainingsavonden, oefeningen etc. etc. zullen ten spoedigste ter kennis van de leden wor den gebracht, doch wij raden ieder aan, vooral voorloopig Zaterdags de clubavon den te bezoeken, ten einde geregeld op de hoogte te blijven. Tevens maken wij van de gelegenheid ge bruik, de H.H. Leden aan het trainer-fonds te herinneren. Zij, die hiertoe nog willen bij dragen, gelieven zich ten spoedigste aan den heer E. Cornelissen, Jac. Marisstraat 4, Amsterdam, op te geven. Alle bijdragen, hoe klein ook, maandelijks of ineens, zijn wel kom. Brief van den Trainer. My dear Players, In writing these few lines I am adressing myself to the players of the Amsterdamsche Football Club. The first hint I wish to make is as to the physical condition of the player. It is in the early days of youth that the habits of the player are formed and it is no use trying to „burn the candle at both ends". You can't enjoy all the pleasures of life and enjoy a game of football at the same time. Football requires all the energy and sta mina it is possible to obtain; it is, in fact, the survival of the fittest. The latter will not be the youth who indulges in smoking, drinking or any indulgences that should be restric ted to later years. There will be plenty of time for such when beyond the age for foot ball. It should not be a hard task to refrain from these at such an early age and the consequences of refraining will be quickly felt. It must not be supposed that a backward player will never become a good footballer, far from it, for wonderful results have been accomplished by assiduous practice and training. So there is hope for all who desire to shine in the football world, even though to some that hope may seem very insigni ficant. The greatest benefit to the player how ever is training. It is worth while, however, to point out that is is a mistake for anyone to begin a stiff course of training if he is seedy or out of sorts from any minor com plaint. If a man is unwell he should take steps to get well and be in good, sound general health before starting any hard work. Further it is a most mistaken policy to begin a strict and ex-acting course of spe cial training except upon a basis of „good condition". The truth is, there are two sorts of training: No. 1 Preliminary stage, No. 2 Special efficiency stage. Now, the character of the Preliminary stage is because the every day pursuits of the player be such as in themselves to apply the necessary preli minary training and basis of good condition. Any player who plays games regularly and takes plenty of hard out-door exercise, needs no Preliminary training at all. For example, suppose a player who works in office and takes no hard exercise, in fact, scarcely any beyond walking home from work, sometimes he don't walk, he rides, he is more likely to break down at the very first attemps in his preliminary training. Take my tip and do as much walking as you can and put plenty of life into it. Now just one more word before ending my letter. I hope to see all players on the ground on Wednesdays and Saturdays and to bring their running shoes or slippers, sweaters if possible and football boots, and I am sure you will enjoy your training and in a short time you will see your team going up from second Division football to first Division football. I must now bring my letter to a close and wishing all my players the best of good health and the best of success for football season 19221923, Believe me to remain Yours sincerely J. BURTON, Trainer. Uitjes met Taartjes. Toen ik, arme outsider, nu eenigen tijd geleden van de zijde der „Schakel-Redac tie een vriendelijk bedekte wenk met een lantaarnpaal ontving, dat in de toekomst ook van mijn kant op een bijdrage gerekend werd voor ons jonge cluborgaan, heb ik ge- 3

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1922 | | pagina 3