k' I A.F.C. •I'1 VAN HARTE DE WEDSTRIJDBAL VOOR HOLLAND IA IS AANGEBODEN DOOR TABAK-EN KADOSHOP Alldré UIT DE OUDE DOOS INS OUTS I iJ i|jij M; ll- f,J i: Het Bestuur geeft met leedwezen kennis van het overlij den van MEVROUW E. VAN DEN BOR-TER HAGHA Namens de AFC betuigen wij onze oprechte deelne ming aan de naaste familie. JAN VAN DIJK - VOORZITTER JOHAN DE BIE - SECRETARIS GETROUWD NICKY HEKSTER EN HELGA MESKES Namens de AFC onze hartelijke gelukwensen aan het jonge paar. bies and all, had been living for some days in a cramped hotel room. Our captain ordered champagne and we checked whetherthe rabbis would approve of the composition of our meals. What type of player was Mr. Harisson in AFC 14? If you watch the BBC on Saturday evenings you see almost 20 (goalkee pers excluded) equals: aggressive, always driving forward, with a great set of lungs, perhaps with less attention to tactics than Dutch players, who always try to imitate that other AFC, Ajax. But that is snobbery. When Mr. Harisson put on his hair- ribbon in the changing room (for his, in all other respects, per fectly neat executive's hair style), you could be certain that so mething was about to happen. And indeed, in each game he showed at least one action from the forceful British tradition. And that action made it clear once again to all inside and outsi de the field that 'voetbal' is the best game in the world. Alannever mind that you were late now and then because you could not find sombre Geuzenveld or Osdorp. Many thanks for all your efforts, good luck to you and your family, and do keep in shape! SONNY Van links voor naar rechts voor: Gert-Jan Bos, Niels van Mou- rik, Bart Veldkamp, ALAN HARRISON, Robert van Heynin- gen, Ron Teiwes, David Jas, Machiel van der Woude, Johan Felius, Ron Böhne, Frank Beumer, Max Groen, Daniëllo Co- IS AFC 14 STRIPPING ITS ASSETS? Why is it that AFC 14 seems incapable of keeping its most ta lented players for more than one or two seasons? In the last IS AFC 14 STRIPPING ITS ASSETS? Why is it that AFC 14 seems incapable of keeping its most ta lented players for more than one or two seasons? In the last couple of years our biggest stars have left for Japan, France, the United States and what have you. Some of them even ca me back, but all of a sudden preferred other sports, or were ta ken by older and more 'royal' clubs. On Sunday, February 28th, we lamented the departure of our most appreciated left back/half, Alan Harisson. Serious snow showers preventing all matches i n our AVB league that day, we met at 10 a.m. (promptly) at the Brasserie Van Baerle for a so lemn farewell breakfast. More players attended than on regu lar Sundays. In fact, we missed only two: incoherent student S.I. (we look forward to cakes and pies again!) and stopper F.J., whose isolated KNSM Island probably was cut off from Van Baerlian civilisation. Mr. Harisson confessed to being glad that this team camaraderie offered some distraction: in view of their moving to Hong Kong, the Harisson family, ba- GEACHTE LEZERTJES, DAMES, HEREN OOK, AFC-ers Is de wende daar. Ik bedoel ook hier? Ik was een paar weken geleden op AFC. Een druilerige en trieste zondag. En wat zien ik? De stoom sloeg er van af op het veldWinst zonder voetbal gezien te hebben kan ook tegenwoordig. Een werk- overwinning met 1-0 op Stormvogels was het resultaat. Zou den die opbeurende woorden van I.H. Galavazi toch werken? Ik wil er wel in geloven, want je moet toch wat, nietwaar. Er was weinig publiek maar met diegenen die er wel waren heb ik vre selijk gelachen. En helemaal met het ploegje wat zich om Ger- rie Smit heen verzameld had. Wat heeft die een charisma op z'n oude dag en wat staat hem die bordeau gekleurde jas bij zonder goed en dan die sigaar in z'n hoofd waar hij zich con stant in verstikte. Klasse hoor. Wat ik ook zo'n fraai trio vind en 4

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1993 | | pagina 4