/JQ Van de brug De No. 1 ©it is de Schakel, die komt binden, ©e oude club aan d'oude vrinden. 35e Jaargang Redacteur: J. Tj. Steensma, 2e v.d. Helststraat 50. Amsterdam, telefoon 718567 Administrateur: O. J. v.d. Heul, Gerrit v.d. Veenstraat 118. tel. 714194 Typografie: Drukkerij Joh. Meijer Zoon, Kanaalstraat 132. Telefoon 80710, Amsterdam-W. Augustus 1956 ke milde, natte winterdagen die ons deze zomer in zo ruime mate worden toebedeeld, bieden o.a. een mooie gelegenheid de geschiedenis van onze club eens te bestuderen. Bij het doorsnuffelen van vele papieren vond ik een circu laire van Wim Staats d.d. 1 Augus tus 1952, waarin opgenomen een ar tikel van Mr. G. Wodehouse, in dat jaar een der Directors van de Queenspark Rangers, Member of the Board van de Middlesex Wanderers en chairman van de Eastcote Cricket Club, een vooraanstaand man dus in het Engelse sportleven, een vriend van meerdere A.F.C.-ers en A.C.C.- ers, bovendien iemand die A.F.C. een bijzonder goed hart toedraagt. Be doeld artikel is toen om bepaalde redenen, die thans niet meer ter zake doen, niet opgenomen in ons clubblad, maar niettemin acht ik dit ook thans nog van voldoende belang om het hier (met toestemming van Wim Staats op wiens verzoek Mr. Wodehouse de bijdrage schreef) in extenso te doen volgen, onder het motto „een gewaarschuwd man telt voor twee." Dear friends, During my many years in sport I have been connected with a number of Amateur Clubs, Football, Cricket, Tennis etc., etc. I have also a connection with Professional Football. As far as the latter is concerned the affairs of the Club are decided by the Board of Directors, of which I am a member, and their constructions are given to the Professional Secretary and Manager etc., to be carried out. They are paid to do the job and if they fail they may lose their living. There fore they will work hard not only for the Club but to substantiate their position. With the Amateur Club it is altogether different. The officials of the Club are elected at an Annual General Meeting of the members and having been elected they are entitled to the full support of all members. They are expected to carry on the affairs of the Club without payment, just for the benefit of the Club and its members. What do we find in most Amateur Clubs The Committee has been selected well let them get on with it Yes, this is what is thought by members of most Clubs and this is where all the trouble starts. Mem bers get together and criticise the people who are doing the work and these criticisms are very seldom helpful or constructive. It is a different matter if a mem ber has some criticism or suggestion to make and offers this to the Com mittee and at the same time would, if asked, be prepared to assist in carrying out the suggestion. It is the members who get together and criticise among themselves behind the backs of the Committee that do untold harm to the progress and har mony of the Club. It is a remarkable fact that where you find a happy Committee or Board and members, you find a successful Club. An outstanding example are the Middlesex Wanderers, who's Com mittee has remained practically the same for the last thirty years. Youn ger members are elected to the Com mittee from time to time to replace those who either leave London or who pass away. A Meetings Policy has to be decid ed, and often a vote is taken and seventy five percent are for and twenty five percent against. The Chairman keeps the discussion open for a few minutes, and when he asks for another vote it is always one hundred percent for. Those who vote against accept the majority decision, and do all in their power to help make the proposition a success. What is more every member of the Committee will take on any job he is asked to do, or will help any of the officers to carry out their duties. The Club is always first in our minds, as individuals we do not count. This outlook and the friend liness of the Committee is reflected in the conduct and the play of the team. I have a great affection for the Amsterdam Football Club and I claim a number of the officers and players as intimate friends. You are going through a bad time, but do not let that worry you. You have some very fine men looking

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1956 | | pagina 1