MY DEAR BOYS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I wish to take the opportunity, offered by our Club News, of addressing a few words to you all. I do not intend to write over Football theory or technique, but over another as pect of sport, which is really the basis upon which success or faillure of any branch of Sport is dependent. When I first made acquaintance with A.F.C., I found the first team in a very precarious position, and naturally, my first task with the Club was to concentrate on this team and to try and raise them to a safe position. I found that the attendance at training was very satisfactory, despite the fact that it was mid-winter and my method of trai ning, under winter conditions, is not what you name „gezellig". In any case, I found the players ready to do whatever I asked of them and no effort was too great, so long as it brought better results. There was no thought of personal inconvenience or personal success. Each and all were striving to leving their club to safety, no matter what the cost may be. This admirable „club-first" spirit I found not only among the players that were play ing for the first team, but also among everyone that was connected with the club. In a very short time, I was no longer a trainer that just did my work and hoped for success, I had also this feeling „te pak ken". I came to my work as if my whole life depended upon better results for A.F.C. In short, I was one of you. When I fully realised what a „family" spirit existed throughout the club, I was confident of success. I remember, when we were at the bot tom of the league, saying that there was no need for worry. At the Annual Dinner I went so far as to say" Gentlemen do not worry over the position of our first team. The boys are training regularly and hard. Succes must come. If it does not come then it is my fault". My confidence was not misplaced, the boys did not let me down, successes soon came and in a short time we were in a safe position. In all my experience of football, as ac tive player and as trainer, I have never been so nervous as I was during these vital games, and I can assure you that no A.F. C.-er was more happy than myself when safety was eventually reached. Now I must speak in a more sombre to ne. This success of the first team had to be attaned at alle costs, ant naturally the second team were the chief sufferers. They must give up players for first team duty and the result was that they are now fa ced with degradation games. Here again, I am confident. Jaap and his boys are training hard, the „club-first" spi rit is very prevalent. If we lose our posi tion in the first class, it will be a hard fight for the team that takes it from us. Let us continue to train regularly in the next few weeks. Every A.F.C.-er can help in their own way. We can win, we will win, we must win. I would like to write further, but I must save a little for the next Club News, so will now conclude by thanking the Redac teur for this opportunity of addressing all A.F.C.'ers. Your Coach and friend PETER DONAGHY. - 11 A.F.C.-ers, begunstigt onze adverteerders!

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1933 | | pagina 11