TRAINERS REVIEW. Despite what had been written to the con trary, it was quite a satisfactory send-off to the competitive season, for our 1st eleven to divide the points at stake with E.D.O., after being two goals behind late on in the game. This surely is sufficient evidence that our players have the capacity of „fighting back" and do not despair in the face of adversity. What is more, a draw was thoroughly deserved; either side might have won the game in the closing minutes, but the most pleasing aspect of the game was that A.F.C. appeared to finish the game much fresher than our opponents. It so happens, that our season opens against perhaps the two strong est opponents in the league; this may easily be to our advantage. Every effort should be made to fare well at the commencement of the season, as this will give in the necessary confidence to carry on with every hope of finishing the season in a good position in the league table. Here let me lay further stress on the im portance of looking at the ball when shooting. There is a saying in golf, which advises the striker to keep his eye on the ball, this advice strongly applies to the footballplayer when shooting for goal. It is not necessary to be looking at the goal when actually kicking for goal, prior to this, the shooter should al ready have glanced up at the goalposts, and having ascertained their whereabouts, his eyes should be transferred to the ball, and kept on it, until the ball has left his foot. Only in this way can accuracy be expected. An other point in our 1st elevens play, and one, that has already been mentioned to the play ers most directly concerned, and which must be here repeated on account of its importance, is the dealing with corners awarded against us. The onus of looking after the clearinq of these kicks, rests with the keeper, full backs and in a lesser degree, the half backs. Our defence has been content to stand by and watch our opponents' head the ball without endeavouring to do so themselves. The nearest player to the ball placed in our goal mouth from a corner, should contest the issue bij leaping high into the air and try to head the ball away and not watch our opponents head is unchallenged. If the keeper finds it necessary to leave his goal to attempt a punch away of a corner, the full backs (both) should temporarily drop back into the goal, in case the keeper should fail in his effort to punch. If, also, during the course of the game the keeper intends to leave his goal, it is his duty at once to shout a warning to his full backs; the keeper has a full view of the situation and he must not expect his full backs to know what is happening behind, without receiving a clear indication from the keeper as tó his intentions. Now we come to the all important question of diet. To win matches it is essential that we are able to play at top pressure for the full ninety minutes, and to do so, our physical fit ness should receive strict attention. A moderate limit should receive strict attention. A moderate limit should be placed on the amount of smoking indulged in, particularly on match days and no heavy meals should be partaken of immediately prior to a match. A very light lunch is quite sufficient, and should be taken at least two hours before the game is due to commence. After the game is the time for a real hearty lunch. It is an act of great folly to indulge in sandwich eating (no matter how light they be) during the interval in the game, nothing at all should be eaten at this time, tea alone (not cold water) will be found to be very satisfying. In closing I may mention that it would help matters considera bly, if all first team-players made it a point to arrive regularly each Thursdayevening for training. BROMILOW. Septr. 29, 1931. ONS EENIG DOEL. Er was een een tijd, Het is land geleên, toen stond A.F.C. nog nummer één. We waren toen haast 's Lands Kampioen. We waren toen nog in heel „goede doen". Men rilde van ons We speelden een spel technisch heel goed; we konden het wel. Die tijd is voorbij, Wat hadden we pret. Wat waren we toen toch vaak erg - 9 - A.F.C.-ers, begunstigt onze adverteerders!

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1931 | | pagina 9