been very unfortunate, inasmuch as we have been very weakly represented in the two, games. Therefore a real test of our full strength has not yet been applied. Under the circumstances, criticism of the team must be deferred until our full strength has been on view. The 2nd XI also cannot be adversely criticised, as a definite selection for the second team cannot be decided upon until the first team is more settled. The 3 goals to 2 defeat sustained iby the second team was again the sole result of weak representation. The players did well to keep the margin of defeat down to one goal; as the other two 2nd XI games were won with something to spare in each game, we have not much room for complaint in this department. There is however a sad lack of good positional play. A player expecting to receive a pass, should make his own position by running clear of the opposition thus providing himself with plenty of room in which to operate, when he recieves the ball. No player who loses the ball should stand and watch his opponent taking the ball away, every effort should be made to retrieve it, otherwise too much work is thrown upon the shoulders of a colleague. This a point every member of the team should note and act upon. No matter which member of the forward line receives the ball, the other four should at once place themselves in the correct position to be on the alert for a pass. All five forwards should help in each attack; too often do we see only three or sometimes four forwards on the attack whilst the other one or two are walking aimlessly about the half way line. This can easily be remedied if each forward will remember that it is part of his duty to be up with every attack and endeavour te keep level with the ball. Will all players please note that, under no circumstance will they train the day pior to a match in which they are taking part, unless they have done no previous training during the week. T. G. BROMILOW. DE COMPETITIE-INDEELING. De spanning is geweken: we weten, tegen wie we in den komenden winter moeten spelen. En nu is er een verderfelijke mentaliteit bij diverse leden en supporters gekomen: men is zoo murw gebeukt door drie slechte jaren, dat men alleen maar vraagt: ,,Wie is er misschien zwakker dan wij?'' Nu heb ik eens nagegaan de resultaten, welke wij de twee laatste jaren tegen onze aanstaande tegenstanders behaalden! Men bedenke hierbij, dat het twee seizoenen waren, waarbij wij voortdurend in degrada tiegevaar waren. Ziehier de uitslagen: Zandvoort, gewonnen 31, gelijk 11. Hercules, gewonnen 31, verloren 63. Velox, gewonnen 10, verloren 20. Baarn, gewonnen 51, gewonnen 51. Zeeburgia, gewonnen 43, verl. 41, verloren 41, verloren 81. D. E. C., gewonnen 21, verloren 40, verloren 43, verloren 41 B. F. C., verloren 02, gelijk 11. T. O. G., verloren 32, gewonnen 32, E. D. O., niet gespeeld. Alzoo: gespeeld 20, gewonnen 8, gelijk 2, verloren 10, puntenaantal 18, goals 4053. Het mag dan niet daverend zijn, ik meen toch, dat bijna ieder, die dit leest, zal zeg gen: ,,Dat valt me toch eigenlijk nog mee." Tegen al deze vereenigingen boekten we A.F.C.-ers, begunstigt onze adverteerders!

AFC (Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Schakels (clubbladen) | 1931 | | pagina 8